This Sunday's Livestream will start airing at 10:30am

The Malaise of Mankind

February 15, 2015 Series: The Book of John

Passage: John 6:30–6:36


(John 6:30-36)

I. THE FATHER _______________ THE SON INTO THE _________________
A. Characteristics of the Son
1. The Son came from _____________________.

2. The Son is the essence of __________________.

B. Crucial Facts Concerning the Son
1. The Son was sent in _______________________.

2. The Son was sent to advance the ____________ of God.

3. The Son was sent in ___________ and space.

4. The Son was sent with a specific _____________ in mind.

5. The Son was sent to give __________ to sinners.

II. THE SON FULFILLS OUR ___________ ___________.
A. The Bread of Life Says:
1. “Whoever ____________ to me shall not hunger.”

2. “Whoever ____________ in me shall never thirst.”

To come to Jesus or believe in Jesus is tantamount to ___________________________!

The Father sent the Son into the world to fulfill our _____________ __________________.




John 6:30-36

Discussion Questions

1. What recent events in the news cause you to be disturbed or discouraged?

2. Talk about the “malaise of mankind.” What is wrong with this world?

3. What is the solution for the “malaise of mankind?”

4. When you consider the solution, is there a danger of turning the Good News into something ordinary or “old hat?” How can you fight this tendency?

5. Read John 6:30-36. What are some of the characteristics of the Son?

6. Why do you think the crowd asked Jesus for “a sign?”

7. Why did God the Father send the Son? What motivated him to do so?

8. How does the Son fulfill our deepest longings?

9. Peter Kreeft says, “Everyone is born, built, and designed to feed on God-food; and when we try to feed on other food, we starve.”

Do you agree with Kreeft? Why or why not?

10. How can you strive to be satisfied with all that God is for you Christ, this week? What practical steps can you take?