This Sunday's Livestream will start airing at 10:30am

About Veritas:

Veritas exists in order to educate the mind with the eternal truths of God's Word and saturate students with the Christian worldview, engage the affections so that students might passionately pursue God, equip the whole person, and encourage God-centered living which leads to life transformation and intentional evangelism. Classes are offered every Sunday starting at 9AM. 

Roman Catholicism, The Holy Spirit, and the Word of God

Learning Track: Base Camp

Instructor: Dr. Tom Juchmes

Class Location: Fireside Room

Course Description: 

This fall quarter we will begin with a short course in Roman Catholic doctrine. This course will be based on the Canons that were derived from their council of Trent that took place from 1545-1563. The Roman Catholic Church holds to the content of these canons to this day with minor revisions. The purpose of this study is twofold. First, such a study is helpful in properly understanding the content of Calvin’s Institutes. Second, such knowledge is helpful in understanding what Roman Catholics actually believe and how many of these beliefs are not supported by the Bible. Following this we will be studying chapters seven and eight in Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion. The final two sections of chapter seven explain the necessity of the work of the Holy Spirit within the heart of the believer. This function is necessary in order for the follower of Christ to correctly comprehend the content. Chapter eight examines what the Word of God claims of itself, that its content is the very Word of God.  

Course Objectives:

  • Each participant in the class will gain a better understanding of what Roman Catholics officially believe so that the gospel may be better communicated.
  • To heighten one’s awareness that the Bible is literally the Word of God addressed to all people and particularly those who are his children so that they may be functionally equipped to serve him.
  • To equip believers in Christ to better understand and defend the Bible as the very words of God.
  • To explore how the Holy Spirit validates validates and illuminates the truths of the Bible in our hearts and minds.
  • To increase awareness that the Bible’s focus is God reconciling people to him so that they may enjoy and glorify him.

The Journey of a Lifetime

Learning Track: Boot Camp

Instructor: Pastor Marcus Franklin

Class Location: Multi-Purpose Room

Course Description:

Every Christian is on a journey. Our destination is eternity spent in the presence of God, our daily resolve is found through faith in the finished work of Christ, and our moment-by-moment empowerment is provided through the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Along the way, what Biblical truths, paradigms, and practices will shape our journey with the Lord Jesus? What Scriptural themes will we cling to when traversing lowly valleys, confusing forests, beautiful meadows, and glorious summits? Our study of spiritual formation will delve into these various facets through engaging with key Biblical passages, learning from men and women of church history, and daily assessment of our sanctification in Christ.   

Course Objectives:

  • To clearly introduce the concept of spiritual formation, carefully distinguishing it from non-biblical practice.
  • To remind participants anew of biblical truths and themes that should both kindle and enflame joyful obedience, affection, and worship.
  • To paint a portrait of Biblical realities that may be new for some and/or have yet to be taken to heart or incorporated in a participants walk with the Lord.
  • To dispel false caricatures of spiritual formation and redeem Biblically sound expressions that faithfully contribute towards sanctification.
  • To look towards Christian leaders in the past who have exemplified specific facets so as to provide tangible examples for implementation.