Patrick & Kellis Melson
c/o Goroka Baptist Bible College
PO Box 456
Goroka, EHP 441
Papua New Guinea
13379 E. 49th
Yuma, AZ 85367
(253) 441-9252
Patrick and Kellis Melson serve in Papua New Guinea (PNG) with the Association of Baptists for World Evangelism. They were primarily at Goroka Baptist Bible College (GBBC), whose multiple programs in both English and Melanesian Pidgin provide great opportunities for discipleship and growth. Over 70% of the 460 graduates are serving the Lord, and the team of nationals and missionaries are expanding the programs, staff, and facilities to continue training leaders for reaching the lost and strengthening the growing church of Papua New Guinea. In addition to their ministry, Patrick and Kellis have been blessed with five children and four grandchildren.
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