This Sunday's Livestream will start airing at 10:30am

Ministry Action Teams (MAT):

   “A group of people at Christ Fellowship focused on developing fully devoted followers of our Lord Jesus Christ by sharing different ministry opportunities and needs."


“To come along side Christ Fellowship parents and assist in the spiritual training of infants through kindergarten.


“Using God’s Word, we are teaching our kids about JESUS through story, crafts, games, plays, videos, and music AND training them for their MISSION, ‘To tell others.’” 


“To partner with parents in the process of raising up students who know and love Jesus.”


“To bring glory to God by providing God-centered Bible studies, fellowship, and encouragement for women.”


“To bring glory to God by providing God-centered Bible studies, fellowship, and encouragement for men.”


“To use music to help people see and delight in the glory of God in the gospel of Jesus Christ.” 


“To provide Christian education classes that equip the saints for the work of ministry and fuel their affections for Jesus Christ.”


“To coordinate and create opportunities for Christ-followers to build relational bridges with other community members and share the saving message of the gospel with them through participation in existing community service events and events hosted by Christ Fellowship.”


 “To promote and encourage prayer at Christ Fellowship.  To pray to our Heavenly Father through the power of the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus Christ.  To pray for our church, community, and the world.”


“To raise awareness of current missionary partners, to foster a spirit of ownership in both local and global missions, and to facilitate specific mission’s opportunities for the congregation to participate in.”


“To bring glory to God by being Christ’s hands and feet to those needing encouragement in the body at Christ Fellowship.”


“To utilize the practical tasks of facilities maintenance to foster discipleship. To maintain a spirit of flexibility and servanthood while updating the facilities to meet the current ministry needs as well as providing a welcoming/safe environment for worship.”


“To lead the Christ Fellowship body into joyful obedience to biblical stewardship so that we can more effectively fulfill the mission to which we have been called.”


There are many opportunities to offer your time and talent in one of our MATs. Whether you can pick a guitar or pull a weed, there are ways you can serve to the glory of God. If you are interested in finding out more about any of the MATs or if you see a need that is not being met and have been called and gifted to meet that need, contact Pastor Marcus.