This Sunday's Livestream will start airing at 10:30am

Final Destiny

January 11, 2015 Series: The Book of John

Passage: John 5:25–5:29


(John 5:25-29)

A. The Promise of Jesus
1. Some have a destiny of ____________________.

II. WE HAVE A DESTINY OF _______________________.
A. We Will Stand Before a _______________ Judgment.
1. The final judgment will take place at a _________ time (Acts 17:30-31; Rom. 2:5).

2. The final judgment will take place at the conclusion of the ___________________.

3. The final judgment will take place to declare the _____________ of God.

B. We Will Fall Before _________ at the Final Judgment.
1. The Father authorized the Son to give _________ to dead people.
2. The Father authorized the Son to execute ________________________.

C. We Will Face the __________ at the Final Judgment.
1. Believers: ________________________________

2. Unbelievers: _____________________________




John 5:25-29

Discussion Questions

1. Why are people in our culture troubled by the idea of absolute certainty? Are you certain about anything?

2. When you think about destiny, what thoughts come to mind?

3. How can we be certain that we have a destiny beyond the grave?

4. How does the notion of destiny beyond the grave strengthen you when a loved one dies?

5. How can you be sure that your destiny beyond the grave will be in heaven?

6. Jesus refers to the dead who hear the voice of the Son. How can a corpse hear anything?

7. Do you know anyone who rejects the biblical reality of life beyond the grave? What worldview is influencing this person?

8. Who will stand at the final judgment?

9. Describe the judgment for believers. See 2 Corinthians 5:10.

10. Describe the judgment for unbelievers. See Revelation 20:11-15.

11. How does the idea of having a “final destiny” transform your life? How can you be assured of spending eternity with Christ?