This Sunday's Livestream will start airing at 10:30am

Look and Live

October 12, 2014 Series: The Book of John

Passage: John 3:14–3:21


(John 3:14-212)

Truth Point:
Everyone who _____________ will ___________. Everyone else will face eternal _____________________.

I. THE MAGNANIMOUS ________________ OF GOD
A. His _______________________ Love (v. 16).

B. His ________________________ Love (vv. 16-17).
1. God ______________ His Son (v. 16).

2. God ______________ His Son (v. 17).

C. His ____________________ Love (vv. 16-17).

A. Christ-Followers
1. They live with a vibrant _____________ in Jesus.

2. They live with ______________.

3. They live with ___________________.

4. They live ___________________ lives.

B. Christ-less
1. They ______________ at Jesus.

2. They ______________ under God’s judgment.

3. They _______________ at the light.

4. They ______________ in the devil’s wicked work.



John 3:14-21

Discussion Questions

1. "What about the innocent man in the bush who has never heard the gospel?"

a. Why are people so interested in answering this question?
b. What does the question reveal about their presuppositions?
c. What is the answer to this question? What is the basis of your answer?

2. Another crucial question to wrestle with is: “How does a person receive eternal life?”

a. Why is this question so important?
b. Do you have eternal life? On what basis?

3. The title of the sermon is “look and live.” Can you explain this idea in your own words?

a. What are some synonyms for “look?”
b. What are some synonyms for “live?”

4. Describe the magnanimous love of God. What words in John 3:14-21 point to this magnanimous love?

a. How is God’s love “superior?”
b. How is God’s love “sacrificial?
c. How is God’s love “saving?”

5. How does learning about God’s love influence the way you live the Christian life? How does it influence the way you worship?

6. There are only two kinds of people in the world. Who are they? Which kind of person are you?

7. What is the momentous decision before every creature?

8. What are some of the marks of a Christ-follower that emerge John 3:14-21?

9. What are some of the marks of the Christ-less which emerge in John 3:14-21?

10. What actions steps can you take after spending time in this passage?