This Sunday's Livestream will start airing at 10:30am

A Gospel-Saturated Life - Part 1

June 16, 2019 Speaker: David Steele Series: The Book of Romans

Passage: Romans 1:16–17


Part 1

Romans 1:16-17


I. I AM NOT _____________________ OF THE GOSPEL.
A. THE ________________ OF THE GOSPEL
1. Our first parents were __________________.
2. _____________ in sin and wholly defiled.
3. Sin_______________ to every generation.
4. Indisposed, disabled, and made opposite to all
good, and totally inclined to all evil.
5. Under the ______________ of God.

B. THE ________________ OF THE GOSPEL
1. Meaning

2. Message

3. Magnitude

C. THE _______________ OF THE GOSPEL

Ashamed: _________________________________

1. Ashamed of a _________________________.

a. An ___________________ gospel.
b. A ____________________ gospel.
c. A ____________________ gospel.
d. An _______________________ gospel.

2. Ashamed of a ________________________.
a. This Person is _________________________.
b. This Person makes _____________________.
c. This Person makes _____________________.
d. This Person makes _____________________.

1. Jesus defines the consequences (Mark 8:38).

More in The Book of Romans

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The Focus Factor

July 31, 2022

The Heart of a Shepherd

July 24, 2022

Gospel Impact