This Sunday's Livestream will start airing at 10:30am

The Mission Minded

October 2, 2016 Speaker: David Steele Series: The Book of John

Passage: John 17:17–19


John 17:17-19

I. THE MISSION-MINDED ARE _____________________ BY THE TRUTH (John 17:17).

A. The Meaning of Consecration

B. The Means of Consecration

II. THE MISSION-MINDED COMMIT TO ___________________ THE TRUTH (John 17:18).

A. The Mission of Jesus

1. To ________ and ________ the lost (Luke 19:10).

2. To ________ the world through him (John 3:17).

3. To ____________ the devil’s work (1 John 3:8).

4. To _______ for sinners (Rom. 5:8).

B. The Mission of Jesus’s Followers

1. To _______ and _____________ the gospel of Jesus.

III. THE MISSION-MINDED _______________ LIVES OF TRUTH (John 17:19).

A. Jesus Models a Life of Truth

1. Christ _____________ himself to the mission.

B. We Must Live Lives of Truth

1. We proclaim the truth in ________ and ________.

2. We begin by being ________________ where God has planted us.

3. We continue to spread the influence of the gospel.

4. We proceed to all the _____________________.

Truth Point

Mission-minded followers of Christ are _________________ by the truth, _______________ to proclaiming the truth, and ________________ lives of truth.