This Sunday's Livestream will start airing at 10:30am

Our Daily Bread

April 7, 2013 Series: Walking in the Light

Passage: Matthew 6:11

April 7, 2013
Matthew 6:11

Pastor Ken Van Kooten


I. The second part of the Lord’s Prayer

  1. Our daily bread â€" _______
  2. Forgive us our debts â€" _____________
  3. Lead us not into temptation â€" _____________

II. If the world were shrunk to 100 people â€" same ratios

  1. _____ would be non-white, _____ white
  2. ____ would be non-Christian, ____ Christian
  3. ____ of the entire world wealth would be in the hands of only ___ persons.
  4. _______________________________________
  5. _____ would be unable to read
  6. _____ would suffer from malnutrition
  7. _____ would lie in sub-standard housing
  8. ______ ____ would have a college degree

III. Elements of God’s Provisions

  1. The Substance â€" Bread
  2. The Source â€" God
  3. The Supplication â€" “give us this day”
  4. The Seekers â€" “us” and “our”
  5. The Schedule â€" one day at a time
  6. Spiritual Necessities 

IV. Dispensing His Fragrance