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Read It! - December 2016


Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart: How To Know For Sure You Are Saved

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Ask any Christian if he or she has ever wrestled with the idea of assurance of
salvation. You will find that a majority have at some point or still do struggle with
assurance. J.D. Greear's latest offering, Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart not only
addresses the question; it goes to the heart of the issue by dealing with:

1. Converted people who doubt their salvation (and shouldn't)
2. Unconverted people who don't question their standing with God (and should)

Paige Patterson writes the forward and truly does the book a disservice by
confessing his chagrin over the title of the book and by going so far to say that he "might
disagree with some interpretations here or there." But once the reader is through the
starting gate, the rest of the book is a true feast for the soul.

Greear attacks the problem of assurance with witty doctrinal precision and humor.
But make no mistake, this book contains serious theological assertions that will drive
readers to the cross and stay there for the rest of their lives. Greear does a magnificent
of job of cutting through the lies of religion (especially Roman Catholic soteriology) and
straight to the heart of the gospel.

Here is what I really appreciate about J.D. Greear's approach - and I offer this as the
highest of compliments. While he writes in a popular style (some might even consider
his style somewhat akin to a hipster pastor meets theologian), I hear the great heroes of
the faith cheering him on. As he stands at the center of the stage, I see the nodding
head of Jonathan Edwards. I see the approval of John Bunyan. I see the grin of John
Calvin. And I see Luther’s polite nod. These are the kinds of theologians that fuel the
fire for Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart. This is the kind of book that needs to be
passed out like candy in youth groups. This is the kind of book that needs to be read by
new believers. My prayer is that Greear's book will sell like wildfire. May God use this
little book to fuel the Reformation fire that has been set ablaze by the Reformers and the
English Puritans!