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Read It! - November 2022


Bryan Chapell, Grace at Work: Redeeming the Grind & the Glory of Your Job (Wheaton: Crossway Books, 2022), 233 pp.


Grace at Work: Redeeming the Grind & the Glory of Your Job by Bryan Chapell is a deeply encouraging book that addresses the topic of vocation. Chapell draws on Scripture to help readers understand the redemptive purposes of work.


Every person is created in the imago Dei. Therefore, God’s creation possess dignity and worth in his eyes. This reality causes them to flourish and provides the necessary biblical context for work.



With the foundation in place, Chapell focuses his attention on a host of subjects including integrity, money, success, leadership, and many others. Each topic assumes the dignity of the creature and enables them to approach work with God-centered resolve.


The author summarizes his excellent work:

Throughout this book, I have emphasized that every place we work is holy ground and that we have a vocation, a calling, to represent our Savior in the workplace. Our vocation is where we exercise our profession - both in terms of our training and our testimony.

Grace at Work is a powerful little book that reorients the mindset of Christians and reshapes their hearts in a way that honors God and puts the gospel on display.